Road Test: Brachychitons Flame Trees
If you want to plant a great evergreen tree that is hardy drought tolerant has nice lush green foliage you can’t go past Brachychitons and now days there are a range of new grafted cultivars that are suitable for most situations. They have a dense canopy so make an ideal shade tree that is fire retardant, this is bonus for a native species. They are also a great bird attracting trees.
Brachychiton acerifolius Illawarra Flame Tree
Mature size 10mx 5m
The most commonly planted and adapted for environments throughout mainland Australia. The main conditions they don’t like is wet feet in winter. A dry spring will initiate the best flowering. In its natural environment it will drop its leaves and produce an
impressive display of red flowers that cover the whole tree.
It is seedling grown so you will get some variation in shape and size.
Brachychiton x populneus and acerifolius ‘Bella Donna’
Mature size 5mx 3m
Small to medium sized tree with attractive pink bell shaped flowers over the summer months.
Suitable to plant under power lines and restricted spaces
Brachychiton x populneus and acerifolius ‘Bella Pink’
Mature size 10mx 4m
Medium sized tree with attractive pink bell shaped flowers over the summer months. Similar to ‘Bella Donna’ but
larger growing. Suitable street tree park and Avenue planting or as a single shade specimen.
Brachychiton x populneus and acerifolius ‘Jeriliderie Red’
Mature size 9mx 6m
Medium sized tree with attractive red bell shaped flowers over the summer
months. Suitable street tree park and Avenue planting or as a single shade
Brachychiton x populneus and discolor ‘Griffith Pink’
Mature size 8mx 4m

Medium sized tree with attractive Pink Star shaped flowers over the summer months. It’s a little different in look to the other Brachychitons with more maple like smaller leaves and larger slightly hairy flowers.
Suitable street tree park and Avenue planting or as a single shade specieman.
The Verdict
The new trees on the block are the grafted cultivars they are worth a try, they have good vigor will grow more
uniform than the straight acerifolius they are lesslikely to produce seed pods and will tolerate growing in heavier soils.
If you are after a small tree due to restricted space Try ‘Bella Donna’
If you are after a good sized tree try ‘Bella Pink’ for Pink flowers or ‘Jeriliderie Red’ for Red flowers
If you want something different give ‘Griffith Pink ‘ a go.